Thursday 14 June 2012

Sex and Health

We never think that sex and health might have their effect on each other.
We think health is acquired with great efforts whereas sex is an effortless game that, at its best, is a necessary evil in life as such.
We do not play with our life.
We make it an effort.

Or, even if we play, we play it like a match that is supposed to be any cost.
And the cost humanity has paid for it, is a bit too much toward the higher side, taxing a lot, our health!

We think playing is irresponsible whereas making effort is a responsible act; and hence, we make an effort to win the game we play.

Let me answer you the question I kept asking you in the three articles titled 'How to be Healthy', 'What Spoils Health' and 'Health and Sports' regarding there being a single game on earth that we do not ever plan winning at all, and still its passion never gets lost.
It's nothing else but sex! 

The game of sex is not supposed to be won.
You can not win love.
You can win a man. You can win a woman.
At least this is what the culture of our language is like.
But you can not win love.

When I say love, I very concretely mean lovemaking, i.e., sex.
Lovemaking is a game, sure!
We do not know the rules of both the games - sex and health!
We do not need winning it.
It's not designed as such.

In fact, it's not we who designed it.
Nature did.
And it's sex only that is the most sought after game on earth!
Sex and health!
Whatever nature designed is healthy.
Whatever we designed; unluckily, went unhealthy.

We design to win.
Nature designs to play.
We stop playing.
We start making efforts.
Even in sex!

Sex and health, both are lost.
We want to win sex.
Without love!
We flirt.
We rape.
We buy sex.
We sell sex.
We barter sex.
We swap sex.
We insult sex.
We insult life.
We lose the game.

We lose the passionate joy of sex.
And we lose health.
Both sex and health!

The spirit of playing is the spirit of not feeling like winning.
It's the spirit of loving.
We only try to win our enemies.
We never try to win the ones we love.
We play with them.

That is why lovemaking is the only game on earth that we do not need winning if we play it in a fair way and not in a foul one!
And we are playing even such an innocent game in the dirtiest possible way in life.

We are losers.
We have lost our honesty in sex.
We have lost our health.
We have lost both, sex and health.

We can not even play the easiest game, i.e., sex in a healthy way!
We fall victim to all kinds of, not only the health problems, but sex problems too.
But sex and health are no different.
They are the two sides of the same coin which we call life.
In fact, sex and health are complementary to each other.
We must design our sports on earth on the pattern of sex only.
Sports in which no one loses!

Only then does health pursue from sports.
Good sex and health turn life full of love and the real sportsman spirit!

By qualification, G B Singh is an electronics engineer, passionate to change the quality of life on earth.

He has decided to train people, free of charge, in the procedure of instant vision correction through opening their third eye instantaneously.
He is also working on a techno-scientific project named Virtual Reality Machine envisaging to electronically mechanize the biological procedure of dissolving all the rigidities of body musculature so that almost all the lifestyle diseases could be gotten rid of in one single hour for good, for life; for which he needs volunteer-leaders from all over the world, and already has given a call to that effect!

Contact him through and/or to decide further program, together.

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