Friday 15 June 2012

Top 10 Ways to Satisfy Her

1. Make it Sexy
Satisfy her psychologically by boosting her confidence and making her feel sexy. Keep your relationship fresh by flirting. She likes to feel sexy. She wants to be desired and chased. Give a sly smile and wink. Show her that she still does it for you. Whisper in her ear the ways she turns you on. Build her sexiness confidence, then suggest some actions that you find especially sexy...

2. Touch Her
Satisfy her skin with affectionate touch and sensual caressing. Whether it's part of foreplay or simply a little PDA, she enjoys feeling your touch. Men are generally less touchy feeling than ladies. Indulge her need for touch with hugs, snuggles, kisses, hand holding, caressing etc.

3. Write a Love Note
Satisfy her questioning mind. Let her know the reasons you love her. Tell her what you admire about her and all the reasons you fell for her. This is a sentimental gift that she can read over and over again. Try making a top 10, 50 or even 100 reasons list. It can be juicy and romantic, or light hearted and fun. Affirm her best qualities and share your heartfelt feelings. Let her know why she is the perfect match for you. She's sure to melt at this lasting romantic gesture.

4. Compliment Her
Satisfy her by increasing her physical confidence. In a day and age where sex sells, we are bombarded by amazing looking women on TV, in magazines, and on the internet. With such amazing competition, women can feel slightly inadequate. Let her know the things you love about her. Be sincere, she knows she is not perfect, but she wants to know that you are attracted to her.

5. Flowers, Chocolates, and Teddy Bear
Satisfy her emotionally with romantic gestures. The traditional flowers, chocolates and teddy bears will make her feel special, and soften her up. If you want to do something less predictable, get creative or put your own spin on some of these romantic gestures. A good rule of thumb is- the more you give, the more you get...

6. Massage
Satisfy her tense and tight muscles. Start with her feet and work your way up, or with her scalp and ease your way down. Your touch will not simply relax her. Touch is stimulating and energizing. Many massages have turned in to foreplay and stimulated some steamy lovin. Which just goes to show that one good deed, deserves another.

7. Jewelry
Satisfy her material desires. The old saying goes "diamonds, that'll shut her up". It doesn't have to be diamonds thought. Ladies love jewelry. One piece of jewelry is almost always the solution for any relationship problem. A piece of jewelry is worth a thousand words; I'm sorry, I love you, I screwed up, Let's work it out, Just because...

8. Spice It Up
Satisfy her senses. Add some variety to your intimate times together. Share your fantasies (or part of them) with each other and make them come true. If she is comfortable add some adult accessories to your love making. Experiment and share. Find out what really satisfies her...

9. Help Her with Housework
Satisfy her needs so she has energy to satisfy yours. As the popular book title goes "Sex starts in the Kitchen". Many women think it is hot when a man cooks or cleans. It shows a sensitive side, that you are in tune with practical matters, and that you are willing to do whatever it takes to get to dessert...

10. Take Your Time
Satisfy her slowly and sensually. Although men are ready anytime, anyplace, most women are not ready at the drop of a dime. We've all heard men are like microwaves, women are like slow cookers. Slow things down and increase your foreplay. Play sensual games or experiment with sensual oils. Make your loving last longer.

Sarah Vogt is a Romance Consultant for

Ways to Improve Male Sexual Health and Performance

A well-balanced diet is very important in order to maintain penis health as well as performance. A well-balanced diet is one that is rich in all essential vitamins, minerals and other nutrients and contains just the right amount of protein, fats and carbohydrates. Such diet helps the body in many ways, for example, by strengthening immunity, improving sex drive (libido), enhancing energy levels and increasing overall organ health. A healthy diet also maintains penis health by promoting good blood circulation by keeping the arteries healthy. This helps blood flow to the penis, maintaining good erections and penis health.

Foods that improve your sexual health & performance Eat spicy-Be spicy: Spicy foods are full of flavor. They also can spice up your sex life by boosting your libido. Spicy foods spur the heart to pump blood throughout the body, and they make blood vessels expand. The expanded blood vessels aid in getting blood rushing to the tip of the penis, which causes an erection. Consuming foods that contain generous amounts of chili peppers and jalapenos will instantly increase blood circulation. Be sure to avoid eating too many peppers to reduce the risk of irritating your stomach and bowels.

Eat marine diet (Seafood): Marine food commonly known as seafood helps to improve sexual functioning because it is rich in Omega-3 acids. Omega-3 acids are known for their ability to improve circulatory functioning, which leads to a healthy heart and increased blood flow. Diets that include a variety of fish including sardines, salmon and tuna; and shellfish can greatly improve circulation. In addition to eating seafood, taking fish oil supplements on a daily basis also helps to increase blood flow to the penis.

Go veggie: It has been scientifically proved that eating raw vegetables (especially the green leafy ones) significantly improves your sex life and help treat erectile dysfunction as well. It should be remembered that fruits and vegetables are packed with antioxidants that slow the gaining process in both sexes, and increase blood circulation in males which is crucial for maintaining an erection during intercourse. Some of these vegetables include broccoli, garlic and dark leafy vegetables that are high in zinc, a nutrient that naturally increases testosterone levels in men. In addition, spinach, mushrooms, artichokes, parsley and okra also contain zinc,. Chili peppers also improve circulation by stimulating the central nervous system. Similarly, asparagus is considered an aphrodisiac because it is rich in vitamin E, which increases sperm count and enhances arousal. Likewise, studies show that the tomato component lycopene, a member of the vitamin A family, helps maintain prostate health. Lycopene is best absorbed when tomatoes are cooked with a little oil, as in pasta sauce.

Find fruits: Diets that are high in fruits and vegetables contribute to greatly improve sexual health in both sexes. Recommended fruits include richly pigmented berries such as strawberries, blueberries and black berries and bananas and apples. Pomegranates, peaches and bananas are natural aphrodisiacs as well, due to vitamins A and C in all three, and potassium in bananas. These vitamins increase circulation and sperm count.

Also, water melon & papaya, in particular, have been scientifically shown to produce effect like "Viagra" It has been suggested that watermelon acts as a natural vasodilator, expanding blood vessels of the penis which facilitates improved blood flow, eventually leading to stronger, longer and firmer erections. Similarly eating mangoes and dates with milk have has also been found to be associated with increase sex drive in males and improved sexual performance and potency.

Fiber-rich diets: High fiber diets improve circulatory health and increase blood flow. Diets rich in whole grains, beans, seeds, nuts and soy provide fiber and zinc and are low in saturated fats. Whole grain breads, almonds, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, granola, peanuts and pine nuts are highly recommended to combat ED.

Eat potent potassium: Potassium is a mineral that helps to regulate blood pressure by balancing salt and sodium levels in the body. Balancing sodium levels is important because it keeps blood vessels from narrowing. Narrowed blood vessels increase blood pressure and inhibit blood flow to the penis. A few potassium rich foods include bananas, strawberries, potatoes, bell peppers, squash, egg plants, broccoli, avocado, oranges, meat and poultry.

Consume vital vitamins: Eating certain vitamins and supplements is another way to maintain penis health. Certain vitamins such as vitamin A and E, vitamin B complex are good for sexual function and penile growth. These vitamins can be found in multivitamins designed for men's health. Other vitamin-like herbal nutrients like ginseng, hydrangea root, wild yam and ginkgo biloba are also good for impotence and weak erections.

Don't forget water: And yes, drink as much water as possible. Daily water intake can also impact the ability to achieve and maintain an erection. It is recommended that men drink 50% of their body weight in ounces on a daily basis. Proper hydration helps to keep the blood flowing and will help men maintain greater control over their erections.

Finally, a healthier, cheaper and safer way to improve your sexual health and performance and also to treat erectile dysfunction is through good nutrition. Proper nutritional habits can not only improve circulatory functioning, which aids in improving erectile dysfunction but will also improve your penis growth, size and performance.

To get the best natural male enhancement product check out Male Extra.

STD Facts and Findings

There are a myriad of myths and distorted beliefs circulating with regard to Sexually Transmitted Diseases or STDs. Listed below are a series of facts and findings from health care providers and practitioners as a means of separating fact from fiction.

- Sexual abstinence is the only way to guarantee one will avoid STD infection 100 percent.

- The risk of acquiring or transmitting an STD is directly associated to sexually active persons who have multiple sex partners.

- STDs are acquired or transmitted during intimate sexual activity.

- Not all persons infected with an STD show obvious symptoms.

- Inanimate objects do not transmit STDs - people transmit STDs during intimate sexual activity.

- A person can be infected with one or several different STDs at the same time.

- Undetected, untreated and/or inadequately treated STDs can lead to serious health problems that may ultimately result in permanent tissue damage, threaten one's life and/or result in loss of life.

- Unlike some other diseases, having an STD once or several times does not provide immunity from "getting" an STD in the future.

- Persons who are advised by their health care professional they are infected with an STD should take rapid action to insure their sex partners are advised to seek medical assistance - evaluation.

- Persons who are sexually active with multiple sex partners should seek regular medical checkups to facilitate early detection and reduce the risk of medical complications from undetected - untreated infection.

- Prevention includes: abstinence; if sexually active, maintaining a mutually exclusive relationship for you and your partner; use of a quality latex prophylactic.

- Chlamydia and gonorrhea are bacterial STDs usually localized to the initial site of infection.

- Symptoms with gonorrhea are very similar to those of chlamydia for both women and men.

- Syphilis is a systemic disease that is spread via the blood and/or lymphatic system and the organism that causes syphilis multiplies itself within the circulatory system.

- Syphilis can progress through four stages: Primary, Secondary, Early Latent and Late Latent.

- Undetected - untreated STDs can lead to medical complications requiring extended and costly medical care and may involve extended hospital care.

- STD infections can seriously impact one's social, educational and/or daily living environment.

- Regular testing for sexually transmitted infections is recommended annually for those who engage in unprotected sex and for those that have multiple partners.

There are many ways to get an STD, and if you get one, find a location for STD Testing in Boston.

10 Reasons Why Having Sex Is Good For Your Health

Paulo Coelho's book titled "Eleven Minutes" suggests that the "act of coming together" just takes about 2-3 minutes, while the remaining 9 minutes are no more than an attempt to reach the "crescendo" when a hormonal discharge provides ecstasy like none other!
Scientists have often debated that sex is extremely beneficial for our health, but the lack of sex in good measures can have negative effects. On the other hand, too much sex can also be harmful; if you indulge in sex for more than 3 times a week, you are exposing yourself to the risk of a weaker immune system as well as vulnerability to infections...
1. The balance of your mental and emotional health is definitely influenced by sex. While abstinence often leads to anxiety or paranoia and even depression...having sex can cure cases of light depressions. After having exercised sex, the brain releases endorphins that decrease stress and induce a wonderful state of euphoria.

2. For all you women, having regular sex means freedom from expensive salon treatments. An excellent beauty treatment, having sex actually doubles the level of estrogen in women and makes their hair shine with brilliance while making their skin supple and softer.

3. And if you want to love longer, then look no further than your own bedroom. According to a research carried out at Queens University in Belfast, Ireland, having regular sex increases the lifespan in humans. It was found that out of the people of the same age and health, those who had more frequent orgasms faced 50% less death rate than who people who didn't have frequent orgasms.

4. Sex is an excellent deep-cleansing treatment as well. Since sex is a strenuous but enjoyable exercise, when you have sex the pores of your skin are cleansed leaving a brighter and glowing skin as well as decreasing the risk of developing dermatitis.

5. An inexpensive and pleasurable exercise, sex can make you lose weight. When you have sex after a candlelight romantic dinner, not only do you burn all the fat and carbohydrates you consumed, but you also stay healthy at no extra cost! Consider this: A single session of passionate, mind-blowing sex (even regular sex) can burn about 200 calories. This is equivalent to running for 15 minutes on a treadmill!

6. Ladies, if you like you man to have bulging biceps then have sex more often. Sex is a great way to strengthen muscles. Imagine the effort made by your man through those difficult pushes and flexions! Of course, it all depends on the stunts in your bed...but it's definitely better than running for miles on miles.

7. Did you know that the more active your sex life, the more attractive and irresistible you become for the opposite sex? Really! An active sex life means that your body gets into the habit of releasing more pheromones, chemicals that attract all those gorgeous, luscious women! No wonder Casanova was so popular!

8. Sex can sharpen your senses; especially enhance your sense of smell. After sex, prolactin is released that activates the stem cells in the brain to form new neurons in the olfactory bulb. This helps to improve your sense of smell.

9. A pain reliever, sex is TEN times more effective than painkillers such as Valium. Just before orgasm, the hormone oxytocin's level rises almost 5 times, leading to release of large amount of endorphins. Endorphins are natural painkillers and relieve you of pain, minor headaches, and migraines without any after effects. Next time your lady has a headache, treat her with a vigorous session of lovemaking rather than a Valium.

10. We all know that dentists' bills can blow you off, but nothing can blow you like a good, deep French kiss! The act of Kissing stimulates salivation, which helps clean food particles stuck between the teeth and lowers the acidity level in your mouth. This is the primary cause of tooth decay. So kiss all you want, after all it's a great excuse!

So my dear friends, sex is not just good for the mind, the body, but the wallet as well!

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Women Sexual Health Problem - Reason and Cure

Women sexual health, considered a social taboo for long, is now openly discussed not just among medical experts but also among people in general and in mainstream media. This has given appreciable shift to the way the problem was looked at, understood and cure discovered. Lack of sexual desire or low libido is the main sexual health problem with women. To some this lack of desire goes off after creating a temporary hiccup between the sheets, but to others it persists permanently. Arousal difficulty, inability to experience orgasm, anxiety about sexual performance, failure to derive pleasure from sex and pain during the intercourse is other problems potentially affecting women's sexual health.
Effective cure of any problem lies on the bedrock of valid reasons. So, before we rush to seek cure, it would be unjustified on our part not giving you a clue to the reasons on which the sound cure is always based. A balancing act of hormonal secretion in the body is required to keep sexual health on the track. Hormonal issues are important in women sexual health problem. Hormone imbalances, like lower secretion of estrogen and testosterone can reduce the sexual desire to a very low level. Blood flow in genital areas and sex organs are as important in maintaining libido. Complications like high blood pressure and diabetes need medical treatment for they effectively restrict blood flow in genital areas. Mind also plays key role in sexual health.

A healthy mind on a healthy body increases sexual performance to a remarkable degree, whereas mind fraught with stress, anxiety, depression can crumble the sexual desire. Besides these important reasons, medication side-effects, nerve damage, sexual infection, neurological disorder, relationship problems are other important reasons why women confront with sexual health problem.

Herbs can work wonder in bringing the weak and deteriorating libido on track. They are the tested and result proven medicine for the libido upliftment.

Damiana is a herb proven to have magical effect on stress, anxiety, depression. It helps body relax. At the same time it also stream lines hormone imbalances.

Choraka (Dong Quai) increases estrogen level. Its lower secretion is one of the main reasons of libido fragility. At the same time it also helps maintain blood sugar level in the body, improve blood circulation and keep the sex organs healthy.

Satavri extract (Asparargus Recemosus) acts on muscles, tissues and organs. Pain in sexual intercourse can be removed with this for the herb moistens dry tissues of female sexual organs. This herb also plays a role in maintaining the secretion of testosterone, without which sexual desire declines.

Ashwagandha "Indian Ginseng" promotes overall sexual health. Besides there are other herbs like Schisandra, Ginkgo Biloba, Kumari (Aloe), Avena Sativa, etc have proven effect on the debilitating libido. Avena Sativa is important in giving relaxation to body and mind and in increasing sensitivity in female sexual organ. Whereas Gingko counters neurological and circulatory problems. Schisandra increases blood flow to the sex organ.

Therefore it is evident from the description that for every 'women sexual health problem', there is a herb to take care of. Sex pills made of theses invaluable herbs, together with healthy diet and healthy interpersonal relationship can reignite the passion by working on the entire women sexual health problem.

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Health Benefits of Sex - 8 Advantages of Healthy Sexual Life

Sex is beneficial for body in a number of ways, as said by Davidson and other experts. The benefits aren't just unreliable or gossip each of these health benefits of sex is backed by scientific study.

These are the benefits of healthy loving in a relationship.

1. Sex Boosts Immunity
Excellent sexual healthiness may indicate improved physical health. Those who have sex regularly it is being seen that they people have more immunity in compression to those who don't do it regularly.

2. Sex Relieves Stress
A huge health advantage of sex is lower blood pressure and overall anxiety decrease. Persons who had interaction had superior responses to stress than those who occupied in other sexual behaviors.

3. Sex Burns Calories
Sex is a vast form of do exercises; it takes labor, from in cooperation a physical and psychological viewpoint, to do it well.

4. Sex Improves Cardiovascular fitness
Scientists found occurrence of sex was not related with stroke and the sensitivity health reimbursement of sex doesn't end there. The researchers also set up that having sex twice or more a week reduced the risk of serious heart attack by partially for the men, compared with persons who had sex less than once a month.

5. Sex Boosts self-respect
Increasing self-worth was one of 237 reasons people have sex. People who already have self-esteem say they occasionally have sex to sense even better. One of the reasons people say they have sex is to feel good about them. Great sex starts with self-esteem, and increases it, sex is loving, linked, and what you desire, it raises it.

6. Sex Improves familiarity
Having sex and orgasms increases levels of the hormone the so-called love hormone, which helps us tie and put together trust.
Higher oxytocin has moreover been linked with a emotion of liberality. So if you're feeling swiftly more liberal toward your partner than usual, acclaim the love hormone.

7. Sex Reduces ache
Since the hormone oxytocin gushes, endorphins raise, and pain declines. So if your, arthritis pain, headache PMS symptoms look to recover after sex, you can be grateful those higher oxytocin levels.

8. Sex Reduces Prostate Cancer Risk
A study, reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association, initiated that common ejaculations, 21 or more a month, were allied to lower prostate cancer risk in older men, also, compared with less frequent ejaculations of four to seven monthly.

These are not only the tips, there are more tips for happy and healthy relationship.

Read about Sexual Weakness and its natural cure. Know how Premature Ejaculation Pills help control climax naturally.

The Connection Between Nitric Oxide, Sex, Health and Happiness

Nitric Oxide (not to be confused with nitrous oxide) is a very simple but important molecule that can actually determine how long you live and the quality of your life. Nitric Oxide or NO is made by the blood vessels' lining, or endothelium. The endothelium is extremely sensitive to the physical and chemical conditions inside our blood vessels. When the endothelium senses heart-healthy conditions, such as physical activity and low cholesterol, it releases more NO. And that's very good for your health and vitality. NO expands the blood vessels, increasing blood flow and decreasing blood clotting. Conversely, when the endothelium senses unhealthy activities and conditions such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, cigarette smoking, or emotional distress, it releases less NO; and chances of atherosclerosis (heart disease) accelerates.

How does NO work to our advantage in the body?
Nitric Oxide (NO) is a gas that's produced in the endothelial lining of every blood vessel in our bodies, including all the capillaries. Every cell of our body is only about one micron away from the lining of a blood vessel. And when you are doing anything that feels good, like healthy exercise or having an orgasm, your NO levels rise and your blood circulation is increased. More than that, NO is the main neurotransmitter - the one that regulates all the other neurotransmitters. And because it's a gas, it goes through the body instantly. So high NO levels, let's say from clitoral stimulation, will instantly change the neurotransmitter levels of the brain and balance them out. As your biochemistry changes, inflammation decreases, and chances of heart disease lessens, and the adrenals improve - it's all connected. We aren't kidding when we say sex is good for your health!

This is why, after a pleasurable session - whether a physical workout, therapeutic massage, yoga, or sex - your face is flushed and you look a certain way, because you've got this huge rush of NO throughout your body that has begun to balance everything out. Ferid Murad, MD, PhD, who has done Nobel Prize-winning research on Nitric Oxide, agrees that this is most likely the way in which life energy is made into a physical substrate. When an egg and sperm come together during fertilization, there's a huge burst of nitric oxide.

For men and women, the sexual process begins with sensory and mental stimulation. Impulses from the brain and nerves cause the release of NO. For men; the muscles of the penis then relax, allowing blood to flow into the spongy tissue of the penis and create an erection. It's the same for women, as the genital muscles also swell with blood, as the vulva, clitoris and entire pelvic region becomes more sensitive.

NO production declines with age, however there are many things you can do to increase your production of NO and get the blood flowing sufficiently for maximum sexual stimulation. Staying physically active is the most important thing you can do to naturally produce NO. Eating more raw foods such as organic fruits and vegetables, nuts with plenty of fresh lemon water will not only improve your health dramatically, but also cleanse the body's blood system. Arteriosclerosis (build up of plaque in the arteries) hinders the production of NO and also contributes to blocking the flow of blood particularly to the sexual organs.

There are herbal supplements that are proven to help with the production of NO such as Ginseng. It is most effective when it is combined with other herbs such as Fenugreek Seed Extract which promotes healthy libido, as well as Cordyceps, a mushroom extract that is a well-known vitality booster and provides sustained energy and stamina. All of these herbs and many more including Damiana, Maitake, Maca, Wulinshen and Passionflower extracts are available in Add Lib - an all-natural daily supplement that is a marvelous combination of life-enhancing qualities.

L-Arginine is an amino acid that has numerous functions in the body including the production of NO. When applied topically to the clitoris, especially when combined with Niacin, it will significantly increase sensitivity and blood flow for more frequent and intense orgasms. L-Arginine and Niacin are both contained in [G], an all-natural stimulation gel. Both [G] Stimulation Gel and Add Lib can be purchased on-line, as well at your local GNC, The Vitamin Shoppe, and other national retailers.

Allura Joy has worked with women of all ages and of diverse backgrounds for many years in offering support, holistic therapy and relationship counseling, as well as sharing valuable resources and useful information in the areas of women's sexuality, health & wellness. Allura has facilitated various women's groups, retreats, conferences and special events for women to come together in community to share, connect and support one another.

Allura also works with women individually to help resolve personal issues around relationships and intimacy, specializing in helping women who may have emotional and/or physical issues and insecurities with sexual expression and experiencing orgasm. She enjoys helping clients explore their passions in finding a sense of purpose and to manifest their dreams and desires. She is a certified Hypnotherapist, Life Coach, NLP Master Practitioner, Licensed Massage Therapist and Yoga Instructor.

Allura enjoys writing articles to empower women in their sexuality, promoting a healthy fulfilling sex life - with or without a partner! Check out my blog, Straight UP Girl Talk with Allura at:

Thursday 14 June 2012

6 Reasons to Improve Your Sex and Improve Your Health - Better Sex Can Mean Better Health, Who Knew?

Improving your sexual performance will improve your desire to have more sex and this will in turn improve your health. Heck yeah! The healthiest kind of sex is sex on a regular basis. My recommendation is once a day, or at the very least 20-23 days out of 30.

Sex as a health boost is probably the last excuse in the world needed to have sex. But it is a good one after all. There are more and more health increasing benefits relating to sex found in medical reports every year. That cannot be just coincidence.

Having an orgasm or just having sex increases the hormone Oxytocin becoming more known as the love hormone. This hormone is responsible for feelings related to intimacy, trust, and good natured generosity. So sex is also good for increasing positive moods.

Sex has the ability to reduce your chances of a heart attack! Now that is awesome news. Its old news, but its old news that bears repeating. Having sex at least two to three times a week (even for seniors) is a Cardiovascular workout. It is excellent for decreasing your chances of having a stroke and reduces the risk of heart attacks in men.

Sex as a pain reliever? Well, it does. It helps to ease physical pain. This is another one of those hormone things talked about earlier. Good Old Oxytocin causes sudden surges in endorphin release. So after you have sex your pain threshold will be greatly reduced. Plus this hormone also keeps your positive moods swinging more to the smiling side.

Health benefit number one in my book is that it is great exercise. Sex as exercise is number one for me due to the fact that no other exercise can do as much nor be anywhere near as enjoyable. It burn calories, helps to build your immune system, reduces stress, raises pain tolerance, and helps you to sleep better. Now that is one great exercise technique.

Reduces stress. This one seems obvious but it really is not so much. If your a woman in many cases it can be difficult to orgasm. This can be frustrating. However sex is still good and it still can reduce stress even without a climax. But gentleman need to learn how to please their ladies. And the ladies need to learn how to speak up and tell their men what they want. Improving your sex life by communicating your needs helps to alleviate relationship related stress.

Lower prostrate cancer. This one is a shocker. This was the real reason that I began writing the article. This was something new to me, having sex can help reduce your risk of prostrate cancer. The best for last I suppose. The journal of the American Medical Association found that men who (when younger) had more frequent ejaculations were also linked to a significant reduction of prostate cancer later in life.

You really can find many, many health benefits connecting with having better and more sex. There is not any more excuses left. It can help someone who has headaches regularly. It can help someone who has high stress levels. It can help someone to sleep better. So there are more reasons than ever to have sex so improving your sex is something just as important.

Better sex is better health and can ultimately lead you to a long and happy life. So hey, whats not to love about sex? One thing is true though, it is a constant learning experience. The great thing about all that is that the practice of great sex means more sex.

So if you are even starting to think like there is nothing left to know about sex, then please think again. This is a worth while enough reason to accept this challenge. Learn more about sex and the real truth of how to increase the length and quality of sex. All from therapists that have collected guaranteed methods and techniques to Improve Your Sex and increase your happiness and love.

Sex, Relationship and Health - Five Benefits of Sex

Sex is not just about raging hormones and fleeting pleasure. As a matter of fact, sex has a lot more to offer than you know. The more sex you have, the greater the benefits you receive from it. Modern science has proved that sex has wonderful benefits for your mental as well as physical well being. Indulging in sexual activity on a regular if not daily basis is known to offer benefits such as relief from stress, better sleep, and better health. These benefits, however, are just the tip of the iceberg. Read on to know some of the not so well known reasons why regular sex can make your life healthier and happier.

Sex helps to maintain body weight
Sex is a physically strenuous activity that helps you shed the extra pounds and look younger and healthier. 30 minutes of sex helps to burn about 150-200 calories. This does not sound like much but regular sex sessions help to burn many more calories. 42 sex sessions of 30 minutes each, for instance, can burn more than 3500 calories, which is quite substantial. Set up a schedule for sexual exercise and watch the flab melt away as you and your partner have fun. Sex is a great weight loss technique if your busy lifestyle leaves no time for workouts. It is also a fun way to get in shape when treadmills or aerobics get too boring.

Sex improves the immune system
Being sexually healthy usually means that you have great physical health too. Having sex twice or thrice a week has been associated with higher levels of immunoglobulin A (IgA) - an antibody that protects an individual from the common cold and other infectious diseases. IgA binds itself to pathogens when they try to enter your body and then boosts the immune system in order to destroy them. Those couples, who have sex regularly, about once or twice a week, have been reported to have higher levels of IgA than those who abstained from sex altogether or those who rarely indulged in sexual activity of any kind.

Sex can create a stronger bond between partners
Apart from its reproductive function, sex is often used as an instrument of pleasure and to express the emotional intimacy and love that you feel for your partner. Sexual intercourse is known to have a major role in bonding between partners and a means to share your pleasure. Great sex forms an emotional connection and awareness between you and your partner, while discussing your sex life can add a wider emotional and spiritual perspective to your relationship, resulting into a strengthened and resilient bond that can be strong enough to survive many emotional upheavals.

Sex improves the blood circulation
Regular sexual activity has been proved to improve blood circulation in your body and is particularly beneficial for the brain because it causes deep invigorating breaths and an increased heart rate. Improved circulation brings fresh oxygen-rich blood into your body and refreshes the cells and organs. Regular sex helps in the elimination of toxins from your body and prevents fatigue as well as a number of diseases.

Sex controls sugar levels
A number of clinical studies have proved that sexual activity helps in the breakdown of sugar molecules present in your body in order to provide protection from serious diseases such as diabetes.

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Prostate Health Improves With Sex and Prostate Massage

Did you know that having more sex can actually benefit your prostate? It is the ejaculation that benefits you, rather than the actual act of having sex. Seminal fluids contain substances that are carcinogenic, and regular ejaculation flushes out these cancer-forming toxins from your prostate. Stimulating the prostate gland through massage cleans out the gland and creates healthy flow of blood to the area.

The prostate can be helped by having sex on a regular basis, because the act of intercourse truly helps the prostate function correctly, the way it is supposed to. The loving act of intimately connecting with your partner is also healing to your body and prostate, as a caring, physical connection always stimulates healing. A healthy orgasm "cleans out" reproductive fluids that can build up in your prostate and cause swelling. Your prostate's main function is to filter out toxins in your semen and can get clogged with toxins. The toxins can cause the prostate to grow and become enlarged. Regular, healthy love making sessions are the perfect remedy to purging the prostate of unhealthy toxins in the seminal fluid.

It is the circulation of fresh healthy blood that heals everything in the human body! On the spiritual side of things, sacred scriptures tell us that, "life is in the blood." Modern science has proven this to be true. When fluids stagnate anywhere in the body disease breeds and thrives. It is similar to a stagnant pond. This is especially true in the female breast and the male prostate.

Massaging the prostate gland also helps to keep all the sexual fluids (semen) fresh, clean and moving out of the body to make room for new. There is a method of prostate massage that is called milking the prostate. Milking the prostate is most effective by massaging the full length of the gland. It is important to take care when gently squeezing the prostate gland from the top to the bottom. This is referred to as the milking action, the way a cow's utter is stimulated to release the full amount of fluid by massaging it from the top to the bottom.

The difference between milking the prostate gland rather than massaging the prostate is that you will push the pressure (many times in the form of an appropriate tool or device) all the way in, to apply pressure to your prostate, and then manually run the device down over the full length of the gland. During a prostate massage, you simply squeeze the tool (whether it be a finger or an appropriate device) with your anal contraction

This method is simple and effective. You keep repeating the motion until you no longer are discharging semen through your penis or if it becomes uncomfortable. Then listen to your body. It is smart and knows how to guide and direct you.

Sometimes men choose not to ejaculate. And this of course can be healthy too. When you are choosing not to ejaculate for whatever reason, or if you chose a life of celibacy, milking the prostate gland can help to keep you healthy and free from prostate pain and prostate disease.

Prostate milking can cause an immediate erection. Freely allow the erection and keep milking the gland. Whether you get an erection or not, you will normally see your semen begin to flow from your penis. Some men will not see any semen because they produce very little. Still it will flow into the tubes, flush the prostate gland, and leave the body during urination.

There are certain prostate massage tools available that are safe, simple and highly effective for this milking. Massaging of milking the prostate gland may be all you need to feel well again!
You can read more about prostate massage HERE.
Yours in Health and Best Wishes!!
Sophia Sage

Male Sexual Health - For Stronger Eerections and Healthy Heart Eat Pistachios!

In our previous article, "Erections Without the Bill Pill" we lauded and value of the pistachio nut in a man's daily diet, and an elixir of pistachios and honey.
However, the benefit of eating pistachios does not stop at a man's genito-reproductive system.

The same action which keeps the circulatory system and vessels of the penis working in top form, now are known to protect against cardio-vascular disease. Read on for the latest information!

Study Done at Pennsylvania State University
In a recent study conducted at the Pennsylvania State University, it was discovered that eating pistachio nuts daily (combined also with a wholesome and low fat diet, resulted in a greatly reduced (bad, or LDL cholesterol) cholesterol level. This means with a lower bad cholesterol level, the arteries remain open and the heart operating properly.

Quoting the lead researcher, Dr. Penny Kris-Etherton, "Our study has shown that pistachios, eaten with a healthy heart diet, may decrease a person's cardiovascular disease risk profile."

She went on to say that, "Pistachios are rich in an antioxidant called lutein, usually found in green leafy vegetables and brightly colored fruit.
Present at higher levels in the pistachio than other nuts, lutein helps prevent cholesterol from clogging up arteries"

Even more interesting was the fact the more pistachios the study volunteers ate, the better their test results.

Pistachios and Europe, the Middle-East and Asia
Known as common wisdom to all males from the Middle-East and Asia, eating pistachios increases the male potential, is known for increasing the amount and quality of a man's sperm, and erective quality.

The ancient Greeks and Romans knew also of this phenomenon, and included the pistachio in both their daily food and sweets.

It was known in conventional wisdom to protect one's health
The study done now at Pennsylvania State University adds some important scientific proof to this food's healthful qualities.

The Elixir of Life
To make this life-saving and sexually enhancing elixis, you will need to start with unsalted dry roasted pistachios, about one cup full (and de-shelled) added to an equal amount of natural organic honey.

Buy only the highest quality organic honey. Mix the pistachios and honey together, then put the mixture into a glass jar, filled to the brim and capped tightly.

Now expose the jar to the sun for one week. Naturally the best time to make this mixture is during the summer months. The elixir is ready after one week.
Each morning eat two tablespoons of the elixir with some organic yogurt. Be ready to see your erections react in a very positive and dramatic way.
More Pistachios in Your Diet

We recommend besides the elixir, to eat a handful of dry roasted unsalted pistachios daily as a snack. In this way, you not only achieve an increase in your masculine potential, but also are in the process of protecting your heart.
Other dietary suggestions include the addition of pistachio nuts to salads, sprinkled on low-fat cottage cheese, and eaten together with grapes when they are in season.

From time to time, and if available in your location, there are many Turkish and Middle-Eastern pasty based on the inclusion of pistachio nuts. Even with the sugar, the positive effect on cholesterol is achieved.


On all aspects of how to get more from sex and relationships and everything to do with male sexual health visit our website for a huge resource of articles, features and downloads and at

Dramatically Improve Your Sex Life With HGH

There is no doubt that sex should still play an active role in your life no matter how old you are. A normal sex life is healthy and as we age, both men and women begin to have more difficulty with sex with regards to performance, energy, stamina, and drive. As men get older, they experience decreasing levels of hormones that commonly lead to impotence and performance issues. So, if sex is an integral part of our happiness and health, what options do men have to maintain optimal performance and physical levels as they get older? According to clinical experts, one very real solution lies in HGH treatment.

It is believed that over 75 percent of all cases of male impotence is caused by physical reasons, with more than half of those cases a result of arteriosclerosis of the penile arteries. Arteriosclerosis of the penile arteries is similar to the buildup in the body's arteries known to be responsible for heart attacks, strokes, and other forms of cardiac disease. When the penile arteries are blocked, the penis will not be able to get an erection. It is important to note that erectile dysfunction has shown to be a risk factor for a heart attack or a stroke. Certain lifestyle factors can also lead to erectile dysfunction such as smoking, drinking, being overweight, and other underlying medical conditions. However, male impotence has been traditionally linked to physical causes.

Clinical studies have shown that men who are experiencing varying degrees of erectile dysfunction have shown dramatic improvement from human growth hormone therapy. Think back to your teenage years with raging hormones. That was due to the abundance of human growth hormone production from the pituitary gland. Unfortunately, as we age and starting as early as our twenties, levels of HGH produced from the pituitary gland steadily and aggressively decline. This led physicians to research the impact of HGH and the male sexuality. The clinical results determined that over 70 percent of men who participated in the studies were able to not only gain an erection, but could also maintain it for a much longer period of time. Over 75 percent of the study group also reported the strong urge and desire to have sex again. Men who increased bodily levels of HGH through clinical treatment reported an overall increase in sexual performance, stamina, desire, and energy.

Human growth hormone injections can be prescribed by a doctor and can assist in the symptoms of erectile dysfunction. However, such treatment plans require painful and costly injections with a monthly investment of up to $2,000. This approach is not convenient for most, requiring many doctor visits with upwards of 48 injections per month. For most potential candidates, this option is not affordable or feasible.

Because of the proven positive sexual and performance benefits of prescription human growth hormone, many individuals have sought out natural and homeopathic alternatives. Select homeopathic formulas in the marketplace contain a powerful and proprietary blend of natural ingredients designed to safely strengthen and empower the body's pituitary gland to operate at more youthful levels. The connection could be made that a stronger and more youthful functioning pituitary gland may offer increased levels of HGH into the body's bloodstream. This safe and natural alternative offers an affordable and convenient option when seeking to acquire similar benefits to those who seek out the cumbersome prescription human growth hormone protocol.

Jennifer Greenfield writes articles about homeopathic medicines and their advantages. Maximum Result HGH Complex is a powerful homeopathic formula containing an exclusive blend of high-quality, clinically-proven ingredients that naturally empower both the pituitary gland and the liver while also providing a significant and diverse set of health benefits that help people look and feel better similar to that of HGH patients.

What Is The Definition Of Sexual Health?
Sexual health is influenced by a great many factors ranging from behavior, attitudes, and conditioning, to biological and genetic factors. It encompasses the problems of HIV, unintended pregnancy and abortion, infertility and sexual dysfunction. Sexual health can also be influenced by mental health, acute and chronic illnesses, and violence.

It also involves the individual, family, community, health system level legal and regulatory environments where the sexual rights of all people are upheld.
Ideas and norms about sexuality and health come from a variety of sources including social custom, science, medicine, religious belief, and personal experiences. As a result, no one definition of sexual health is likely to adequately represent this diversity, especially when professional opinions on sexuality and sexual health are formed by training and social position which in turn, are often influenced by the individual's culture, socioeconomic status, religion, etc.

Because the words "health" and "healthy" are often linked to the field of medicine, they carry a medical connotation and authority. As a result, the term "sexual health" can be misused to express approval or disapproval of specific behaviors or individuals under what may seem to be "medical truth". This is the reason why some sex educators and therapists are fearful of promoting a concept of sexual health (directly, by defining it, or indirectly, by developing guidelines) through education.

Also it's worth keeping in mind that definitions of sexual health can change and should not be taken as rigid rules of conduct.
The World Health Organization says...

"Sexual health is...the integration of the physical, emotional, intellectual and social aspects of sexual being, in ways that are positively enriching and that enhance personality, communication and love."

"...a capacity to enjoy and control sexual and reproductive behavior in accordance with a social and personal ethic."

"...freedom from fear, shame, guilt, false beliefs and other psychological factors inhibiting sexual response and impairing sexual relationships."

"...freedom from organic disorders, diseases and deficiencies that interfere with sexual and reproductive function."

Good sexual health means making sure you have the knowledge, skills and ability to make informed sexual choices and acting responsibly to protect your health and the health of others.

John Penney edits an information website on sexual health for men and women. For more free information and unbiased reviews on sexual health products, visit

Sex Healing Power: Top 10 Effects of Sex on Human Health

It is quite unfortunate that many couples have a kind of sex life that is casual. They have little or no emotional attraction at a deep level, which can help to improve on their mental and physical health. This is because they are yet to realize sex healing power.

Sex transcends your thought of it as an ordinary activity that you need to satisfy your sexual urge and have sensual excitements. It is important to understand that it is an intimate marriage activity as well as a sex healing therapy for your body.

As a matter of fact, sex is healing. The sensual excitements that come with it have a great sex healing power that can ensure a considerable measure of good health. Therefore, the following are simple reasons why you must have sex frequently in order to release the sex healing energy in your whole being, that is, spirit, soul and body.

1. Romance and sex help to consume excess calories that have been eaten in the day. This is because certain amounts of energy are used up when having sex. The energy is released as sweat in the body.

2. Sex releases endorphins into the blood stream, thus enhancing good mood for your mind. It makes you feel relaxed. This makes sex a natural preventive measure against mild depression. Women who are sexually satisfied are the most happy.

3. Another sex healing power is the reduction of the risk of prostate cancer. The reproductive organ is kept relaxed and strong through hormonal production.

4. Having been scientifically proved, a certain amount of estrogen hormone is secreted in women's body during sex. This has been known to keep the hair shining and the skin smooth. It is a natural beauty treatment for women who want to use sex healing therapy instead of cosmetics.

5. Sex is the safest tranquilizer you can think of.

6. Sex can relieve you of stuffiness of the nose when you have cold or fever. This is because sex is a natural antihistamine for your body.

7. Whenever you have mild headache, try sex healing power because it can help to gain relief. It simply takes care of the mental tension that restricts blood vessels in your brain.

8. A good love-making episode that is done with a relaxed mind lowers the possibility of suffering from certain skin diseases such as skin rashes and blemishes. This is because the pores of the skin are cleansed by sweat, thereby making it smooth and healthy.

9. If you are sexually active, your body will yield a greater quantity of a biochemical substance referred to as pheromone. It is a natural sex perfume on your body which adds to your sexual attraction before your husband.
10. Sex is a physical exercise for your body. So, try to have sexual intercourse with your partner as often as possible.

Grace Lawrence is a passionate writer-cum-author on Relationships, Love, Dating, Marriage and Sex Advice. She is also an experienced counselor. Grace is happily married. Download her free e-book at and learn more from her on Sex Healing Therapy.

Sexual Health

Sexual health can be described as a state of physical, mental and social well-being with respect to one's sexuality. It involves a positively respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as the likely possibility of having sexual experiences that are pleasurable and safe, free of coercion, discrimination and of course violence.
When talking about sexual health, various areas are to be considered and understood properly if one's goal is to be on the positive side of sexual health. Sections like sexual practices, sexual safety and communication between partners are important aspects to be touched when talking about sexual health.
To begin with, the importance of communication cannot be overstressed. Good communication is a fundamental aspect of sexual health. It's about the development of skills necessary to express your feelings to your partner at any given time. It's about being able to tell your partner what you would want and wouldn't want. It's also about being able to ask the right questions, and being able to accurately source things you've heard/read somewhere.
At some points in our lives, we become potential targets for sexual exploitation. Still, that doesn't mean we should eventually end up being victims to the exploitation. Exploitation can come in physical, financial or emotional forms. Sexual exploiters can range from abusive parents to media content producers. Protection from such situations includes being able to recognize such situations when they arise and being able to avoid them in order to prevent any sexual pressure and coercion. Being able to get advice and pointers on what to do if you've been sexually abused is also a good measure to take.
Sexual practice is another key element of sexual health. The measures that you take to protect yourself from sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), unwanted pregnancy and unwanted sex are not to be taken for granted. For something that seems pretty simple, sex has a lot of people confused about its facts. Some people have sex and don't even know that they do. Some people often confuse contraception with safe sex. Contraception involves preventing sperm from its target which is the egg while safe sex involves the prevention of sexually transmitted infections. People are unknowingly contracting STIs. Not many people are concerned about their sexual preferences, and this is an issue. Understanding the difference between sexual identity, sexual behavior and sexual orientation are important steps to take in achieving good sexual health.
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Sex and Health

We never think that sex and health might have their effect on each other.
We think health is acquired with great efforts whereas sex is an effortless game that, at its best, is a necessary evil in life as such.
We do not play with our life.
We make it an effort.

Or, even if we play, we play it like a match that is supposed to be any cost.
And the cost humanity has paid for it, is a bit too much toward the higher side, taxing a lot, our health!

We think playing is irresponsible whereas making effort is a responsible act; and hence, we make an effort to win the game we play.

Let me answer you the question I kept asking you in the three articles titled 'How to be Healthy', 'What Spoils Health' and 'Health and Sports' regarding there being a single game on earth that we do not ever plan winning at all, and still its passion never gets lost.
It's nothing else but sex! 

The game of sex is not supposed to be won.
You can not win love.
You can win a man. You can win a woman.
At least this is what the culture of our language is like.
But you can not win love.

When I say love, I very concretely mean lovemaking, i.e., sex.
Lovemaking is a game, sure!
We do not know the rules of both the games - sex and health!
We do not need winning it.
It's not designed as such.

In fact, it's not we who designed it.
Nature did.
And it's sex only that is the most sought after game on earth!
Sex and health!
Whatever nature designed is healthy.
Whatever we designed; unluckily, went unhealthy.

We design to win.
Nature designs to play.
We stop playing.
We start making efforts.
Even in sex!

Sex and health, both are lost.
We want to win sex.
Without love!
We flirt.
We rape.
We buy sex.
We sell sex.
We barter sex.
We swap sex.
We insult sex.
We insult life.
We lose the game.

We lose the passionate joy of sex.
And we lose health.
Both sex and health!

The spirit of playing is the spirit of not feeling like winning.
It's the spirit of loving.
We only try to win our enemies.
We never try to win the ones we love.
We play with them.

That is why lovemaking is the only game on earth that we do not need winning if we play it in a fair way and not in a foul one!
And we are playing even such an innocent game in the dirtiest possible way in life.

We are losers.
We have lost our honesty in sex.
We have lost our health.
We have lost both, sex and health.

We can not even play the easiest game, i.e., sex in a healthy way!
We fall victim to all kinds of, not only the health problems, but sex problems too.
But sex and health are no different.
They are the two sides of the same coin which we call life.
In fact, sex and health are complementary to each other.
We must design our sports on earth on the pattern of sex only.
Sports in which no one loses!

Only then does health pursue from sports.
Good sex and health turn life full of love and the real sportsman spirit!

By qualification, G B Singh is an electronics engineer, passionate to change the quality of life on earth.

He has decided to train people, free of charge, in the procedure of instant vision correction through opening their third eye instantaneously.
He is also working on a techno-scientific project named Virtual Reality Machine envisaging to electronically mechanize the biological procedure of dissolving all the rigidities of body musculature so that almost all the lifestyle diseases could be gotten rid of in one single hour for good, for life; for which he needs volunteer-leaders from all over the world, and already has given a call to that effect!

Contact him through and/or to decide further program, together.

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